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Basilica di San Domenico

Piazza S. Domenico, 52100 Arezzo AR Italy
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Quick Facts About Basilica di San Domenico

The Basilica di San Domenico is a noteworthy Gothic church that has several strengths and weaknesses. Let's analyze the comments provided to understand its key features.
Strengths: 1. Architectural Beauty: The church is described as a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. It features a single nave with 12 windows and a narrower space towards the apse, creating a sense of depth. The wooden roof beams with decorative elements are particularly beautiful and well-preserved.
2. Artistic Treasures: Many valuable artworks are housed within the basilica. One notable piece is the wooden crucifix attributed to Cimabue, a medieval masterpiece. There are also frescoes from the 14th and 15th centuries, some of which are exceptionally well-preserved, while others have undergone renovation or partial loss.
3. Tranquility: The basilica is praised as a place of absolute peace, suitable even for people with disabilities. It is not crowded with tourists, creating a serene atmosphere for visitors to enjoy.
4. Location: Situated on a beautiful square in the historic center of Arezzo, the basilica benefits from a picturesque setting that adds to its overall charm.
5. Free Entry: The fact that admission is free makes it accessible to a wide range of visitors, encouraging more people to explore and appreciate its architectural and artistic significance.
Weaknesses: 1. Lack of Information: Several comments mention the limited availability of explanations or indications within the church. Visitors may find it difficult to fully understand the historical and artistic context of the artworks and architectural elements present.
2. Fragmented Frescoes: Some frescoes are described as only partially visible or still awaiting restoration. This can hinder the complete appreciation and understanding of these artworks.
3. Dim Interior: The basilica's interior is mentioned as being dimly lit, which may impact the visibility and overall experience of the visitors, particularly when it comes to intricate details such as the altar.
In conclusion, the Basilica di San Domenico in Arezzo possesses significant strengths such as its architectural beauty, artistic treasures, tranquility, and convenient location. However, its weaknesses lie in the lack of information provided to visitors, fragmented frescoes, and dim interior lighting. Despite these drawbacks, the basilica remains a remarkable religious and cultural monument worth visiting.

Best TL Reviews

Sehenswerte gotische Kirche. Der Innenbereichen mit Sparrendach hat nur 1 Schiff mit 12 Fenstern. Dem Raum wird zur Apsis hin schmaler wodurch ein tieferer Raumeindruck entsteht.
Basilika di San Domenico
Freier Eintritt.
Die von außen unscheinbare Kirche lohnt, dass man sie betritt. Innen können einige Fresken teils sehr gut erhalten, teils renoviert, aber nur teilweise erhalten besichtigt werden . Es ist ein Ort der absoluten Ruhe -geeignet auch für Menschen mit Handicap.
Hierher verirren sich nur wenige Touristen. Über dem Eingang hängt ein sehr schönes altes Kreuz und eine Glasrosette. Besonders zu beachten finde ich den sehr schönen und gut erhaltenen Holzdachstuhl an den Balken mit Verzierungen. Im Juni 19 hat man den Eingang gerade eingerüstet.
Alte interessante Kulturstätte. Hier fand das erste Enklave statt.
Ein tolles Hotel für die Durchreise. Sehr nettes Personal.
wunderschön und beeindruckend
La chiesa di San Domenico ad Arezzo è un capolavoro architettonico dell’epoca gotica, al suo interno custodisce il crocifisso ligneo di Cimabue un capolavoro medievale, le pareti sono coperte di affreschi del XIV e XV secolo parzialmente visibili, alcuni sono andati persi. Nel complesso è una delle chiese più belle di Arezzo
Si trova su un bel piazzale nel centro storico di Arezzo. Ci sono opere d'arte di immenso valore, fra cui un Crocifisso attribuito a Cimabue. Purtroppo, ci sono pochissime indicazioni o spiegazioni. Uno degli antichi affreschi coperto da una cassa acustica....
Updated July 2022
Free admission.
Inside you’ll find plenty of fragments of frescos that have yet to be restored. It also has quite an intricate altar, despite its dim interior.

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Basilica di San Domenico Info


  • Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle