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centro commerciale Feronia, via Milano 19 primo piano, 00065 Fiano Romano RM Italy
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The Malefici Fiano Romano salon has both strengths and weaknesses, as mentioned in the comments.
One of the major strengths mentioned by a customer is the fact that appointments are not necessary. This means that customers can simply walk in and expect to be serviced in a matter of minutes. This convenience factor can be a major appeal for those who are in a hurry or have a spontaneous need for a haircut or other services.
Another strength mentioned by a customer is the efficiency of the salon. With multiple stations and different professionals working on various tasks, the salon operates like an assembly line, allowing them to offer a wide range of services, from manicures to beard trimming. This ability to cater to multiple needs simultaneously can be a major advantage for customers who are looking for one-stop grooming services.
Additionally, the affordable price of 10 euros for a haircut and shampoo is seen as a major strength by some customers. This price point allows customers to get a decent quality service without breaking the bank. It attracts bargain hunters who are looking for a good deal without compromising too much on the quality.
However, some weaknesses of the salon have also been highlighted in the comments. One major weakness mentioned is the need for improvement in terms of cleanliness and hygiene. While the salon is praised for its speed and efficiency, some customers feel that the cleanliness standards could be improved upon. This could be a result of the rapid turnover of customers and the focus on efficiency over thorough cleaning.
Another weakness mentioned is the lack of quality and skill in certain services. Some customers mention that the salon's stylists are not capable of performing certain techniques, such as proper blending or creating specific hairstyles. This lack of skill and attention to detail can lead to dissatisfaction and disappointment for customers who have specific requests or preferences.
An additional weakness that is highlighted is the inconsistency of service due to the rotation of stylists. Customers mention that it can be difficult to find the same stylist for a second visit, and this can result in inconsistent experiences. Furthermore, some customers feel that the training and preparation of some stylists are basic, leading to unsatisfactory results and even damage to their hair.
Some customers have also expressed frustration with the long waiting times and lack of personnel. They mention that the salon often operates with minimal staff, resulting in significant wait times. This can be a major drawback for customers who value their time and expect prompt service.
Lastly, one customer defends the salon, stating that their personal experience was positive and suggesting that some negative comments may come from individuals who are overly critical. It is important to consider this viewpoint to ensure a fair assessment of the salon.
In conclusion, the Malefici Fiano Romano salon has its strengths, such as the ability to provide on-the-spot services without appointments, efficiency in offering a wide range of grooming services, and affordable prices. However, weaknesses such as cleanliness and hygiene issues, lack of specific skills, inconsistent service due to rotation of stylists, long wait times, and occasional dissatisfaction from customers cannot be ignored. It is important for potential customers to consider these factors and weigh them against their personal preferences and priorities before deciding whether or not to visit the salon.

Best TL Reviews

Uno dei pochi centri dove non è necessario l'appuntamento per qualsiasi cosa, attendi qualche minuto e presto fatto.
Un salone a catena di montaggio dove decine di postazioni effettuano ogni genere di cosa, dalle unghie alla barba.
Bravi, veloci ma potrebbero migliorare un pochino sull'igiene.
Comunque 10 euro taglio e shampoo è tanta roba
La parola giusta è pessimi! arrivata alle 8:40 45 minuti di attesa perché presente una sola parrucchiera, inverosimile, oltre che sulla quantità divreste lavorare sulla qualità! Di tutti vostra e dei clienti
Non sanno fare le sfumature, zero talento, neanche una V sul collo sanno fare. Capelli tagliati storti e senza senso. Chiudete che risparmiate sulle bollette
Posto che lavora basandosi sulla quantità e non sulla qualità, consiglio per un taglio o messa in piega per i prezzi e per i tempi di attesa che non sono lunghissimi. Sconsigliou se cercate un parrucchiere di fiducia perché i parrucchieri lavorano su rotazione ed è difficile trovare lo stesso parrucchiere una seconda volta. La preparazione di alcuni di loro è basica e molto spesso non sono in grado di realizzare quanto richiesto facendo solo danni .
Servizio pessimo!!! Personale praticamente assente, 5 ore di attesa per una semplice piega ( non vanno su appuntamento) Lavorano sulla quantità e non qualità, nonostante prezzi bassi!!!Personale molto lento e non sempre qualificato!!! Non credo mi vedranno più … posto un po’ squallido e poco igienico!!!
Sconsiglio vivamente!!!!!!!!!
Sto leggendo recensioni pessime....io non capisco, cosa pretendete a 15 euro per fare shampoo e piega? Io personalmente mi sono trovata bene in tutto, e con tutti....forse il problema è che siete persone abituati a fare critiche...
Sono veramente pessimi, sono andata x ben 3 volte sentendomi rispondere che era troppo tardi x un taglio corto, sono andata alle 15...alle 14,30...e alle 14...me siete ridicoli, si deve venire la mattina alle 8 per sperare di essere serviti, comunque prendetelo il personale e pagatelo, una sola persona nn può lavorare da sola, poi di una lentezza assurda, è inutile che dite che avete i prezzi bassi, se poi nn servite la gente, spero presto in una vostra chiusura definitiva.......
I did not have an appointment, but I only had to wait 10 minutes to get a haircut and shampoo. I was assigned to Claudio, and he did a wonderful job cutting my hair. I do not think I have had a better haircut in my life -- seriously! And the cost was incredibly reasonable, at only 10 euros. What a great experience -- I will be back for sure, and I will ask for Claudio again!



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Opening Hours

martedì 08:30 AM - 02:00 AM
mercoledì 08:30 AM - 02:00 AM
giovedì 08:30 AM - 02:00 AM
venerdì 08:30 AM - 02:00 AM
sabato 08:30 AM - 02:00 AM
domenica 08:30 AM - 02:00 AM
lunedì 08:30 AM - 02:00 AM

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