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Kolding Frisørsalon

+45 91 40 44 33
Rendebanen 8 A, 8A6000 Kolding Denmark
Open Today: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Quick Facts About Kolding Frisørsalon

Frisørsalon Place in Kolding has received a mix of positive and negative comments. Let's analyze these comments to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the salon.
Starting with the positive comments, it is mentioned that there is no waiting time and that the haircuts are fast but precise. Additionally, one customer has been a regular for over 7 years, which indicates a level of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Overall, it seems that the salon provides efficient and satisfactory services.
However, in the second comment, it is mentioned that the salon is suitable only for simple, quick, and inexpensive haircuts. This implies that the salon may not be able to cater to more complex or specialized hairstyles. While this may be considered a strength for some customers who prefer a quick and affordable option, it can be seen as a limitation for those who desire more elaborate haircuts or styles.
Regarding the third comment, it is mentioned that the salon offers both scissor and machine cuts, which can be seen as a positive aspect since it provides customers with options. This flexibility in cutting techniques can cater to a wider range of customer preferences.
Moving on to the negative comments, one customer had a negative experience with the salon. They mention that the staff was impolite and inconsiderate towards their family, asking them to wait outside in the cold while they were getting their haircut. This reflects a lack of customer service and empathy towards customers' needs. Such incidents can create an unwelcoming and uncomfortable atmosphere for customers, which is a significant weakness for the salon.
In contrast, the next comment highlights several positive aspects of the salon. The customer mentions fast and efficient haircuts, good prices, cleanliness, and hygiene. Additionally, they appreciate the complimentary soda and candy provided during the haircut or while waiting. These elements contribute to a positive customer experience and can be considered strengths of the salon.
The fifth comment suggests that the salon provides a particular style of service that some customers appreciate. The customer prefers a quick and quiet haircut without much conversation. This shows that the salon caters to different preferences and provides a serene environment for customers who prefer a focused and uninterrupted experience.
Lastly, the comment mentions that the salon offers free candy and soda to lucky customers. While this may be seen as a small gesture of kindness, it is not enough to outweigh the negative aspects mentioned in the previous comments.
Based on these comments, the strengths of Kolding Frisørsalon Place can be identified as: efficient and fast haircuts, good prices, flexibility in cutting techniques, cleanliness, and complimentary drinks and candy.
On the other hand, the weakness lies in the staff's lack of politeness, poor consideration for customers with family members, and the salon's limitation in providing more complex or specialized haircuts.
In conclusion, while Kolding Frisørsalon Place has certain positive aspects, such as efficient service and reasonable prices, the negative comments regarding customer service and limited hairstyling options should be taken into consideration when choosing the salon.

Best TL Reviews

Det er fantastisk ingen vende tid
Og en hurtig men præcis klipning
Jeg har nu snart været fast kunde i mere end 7 år og er det stadig
Fint hvis du bare skal have en simpel, hurtig og billig klipning. Man får hvad man betaler for.
Fin og hurtig klipning, med både saks og maskine
Skulle klippes idag og havde min kone og søn og datter som sad i en lille klapvogn med. Med det samme man kommer ind bliver man mødt med hvem skal klippes skal alle klippes. Der sad 1 og ventede så butikker var stort det tom. Jeg siger at jeg skal klippes og med det samme bliver min kone søn8 datter 6md bedt om at gå ud i kulde og Vente for tænk nu hvis der kom kunder.og der var riglig af plads . Uhøflig og elendig frisør vil fraråde folk at benytte den.
Hurtigt og fodt klipning, gode priser, rent og god hygiejne ???? og så er der en gratis sodavand og slik efter klipning, eller når man venter på det bliver ens tur ????
Frisør efter min smag... Klipper hurtigt og fint uden en større samtale.. Love it bare sidde i roen og blive klippet. Thums up.
Der er slik og gode sofaer. Men det er så også det eneste gode ved den frisører ????
Gratis slik og sodavand til de heldige som overlever en tur i frisørstolen

Kolding Frisørsalon Info


  • Wheelchair accessible entrance
  • Wheelchair accessible parking lot


Opening Hours

Thursday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Monday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Saturday 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM

How to go there
