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13100 Hämeenlinna Finland
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Quick Facts About Tori

Tori Place has several strengths that make it a desirable place to visit. Firstly, the location of the market is mentioned as being quite pleasant, with the sun shining nicely from behind the houses. This suggests that the market is situated in a scenic area, which can enhance the overall experience for visitors. Additionally, the market offers a variety of cafes, which the commenter had a good experience at. This indicates that there are options for food and drink, and that the quality of service is satisfactory.
Other strengths mentioned include the availability of different payment methods, such as card and cash. This makes it convenient for customers to make purchases, regardless of their preferred payment method. Furthermore, the commenter appreciates the presence of summer workers who are described as being hardworking, cheerful, and polite. This reflects positively on the market's hiring practices and creates a pleasant atmosphere for visitors.
Another strength highlighted is the presence of a small outdoor "anniskeluravintola" (beer garden) along the edge of the market. The commenter enjoyed the ambiance and atmosphere of this establishment, suggesting that it adds to the overall appeal of the market. Additionally, the market is mentioned to have a lively atmosphere during the summer, thanks to the cafes and outdoor terraces. This can create a vibrant and enjoyable environment for visitors.
The market is also praised for its recreational facilities and amenities. The presence of a playground and a nearby park creates a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, the availability of an artificial ice rink during the winter is mentioned as a great feature for skaters and winter enthusiasts. These recreational options add value to the market and attract a diverse range of visitors.
Furthermore, the positive comments about the beautiful weather, the presence of familiar vendors, and the abundance of seasonal berries suggest a thriving and vibrant market that is well-received by the community. The enthusiasm and happiness of the market's supervisor reflecting the customers' satisfaction further contribute to the market's strengths.
Despite these strengths, there are some weaknesses that are worth considering. One commenter describes the cobblestone pavement as being difficult to navigate for people using mobility aids such as rollators. This indicates a lack of accessibility, which can be a disadvantage for certain individuals. Additionally, there is a complaint about the similarity of prices among service providers in the market. This suggests a lack of diversity in pricing, which may discourage customers from making purchases if they perceive the prices to be high.
However, the commenter also suggests a potential solution to this issue, proposing that each service provider offers an extra product at a low price. This suggestion aims to provide more value and variety to customers, increasing the likelihood of sales. The positive experience at the adjacent café, where the commenter enjoyed a delicious and filling meal, further supports the notion that offering unique and affordable products can enhance the overall experience for visitors.
Another weakness mentioned is the lack of activity on non-market days, resulting in a more quiet and less vibrant atmosphere. This indicates that the market may not be as appealing during these times. However, the commenter does mention purchasing good quality apples from the market, suggesting that there are still desirable products available.
In conclusion, Tori Place has several strengths that contribute to its appeal. These include a pleasant location, a variety of cafes, multiple payment options, cheerful and polite summer workers, a small outdoor beer garden, a lively summer atmosphere, recreational facilities, and positive feedback from customers and vendors. However, there are also weaknesses such as the challenging cobblestone pavement, pricing similarity among service providers, and decreased activity on non-market days. By addressing these weaknesses and building upon its strengths, Tori Place can further improve its overall experience for visitors.

Best TL Reviews

Aurinko paistoi kivasti talojen takaa. Tuuli.
Mukulakivetystä joka hankaloittaa rollaattori ihmisten kulkua plus muilla apuvälineillä kulkevia.
Tori kahvilat molemmissa käyty, hyvä kokemus.
Kesätytöt reippaita, iloisia, kohteliaita.
Maksuvälineinä käy kortti sekä raha.
Kaksi vaihtoehtoa pitää olla. Perusteluja olen kuullut yrittäjiltä mitä rahalla maksamisesta on kuluja ja vaivaa.
Goodmanissa kaksi liikettä toisessa
kokeiluna maksuvälineenä pelkkä kortti.
En asio semmosissa liikkeissä ollenkaan.
Torin reunalla oli tällainen ihastuttavan pieni ulkoilma "anniskeluravintola", minkä nimeä en tiedä. Pidin kovasti paikan miljööstä ja tunnelmasta.
Mukavaa pientä kuhinaa toripäivinä sekä eloisa kesällä kahviloiden ja terassien takia. Leikkipaikka ja kirkkopuisto luo upean viihtyisän tunnelman vanhan torin kupeeseen. Talvella oleva tekojää on loistava luistelijoille ja talvesta nauttijoille.
Kaunis ilma. Paljon iloisia asiakkaita torilla. Tuttuja myyjiä pöydät täynnä kauden marjoja. Torivastaava oli iloinen kuten aina kun tori täyttyy asiakkaista. Tästä ei markkinat parane????????????
Hämeenlinnan tori on kyllä köyhä paikka.
Saa muuten täysin samat lauseet kuin kauppatori, MUTTA : palvelujen tuottajien hintojen samankaltaisuus harmittaa,etenkin kun ovat tuhdin tuntuisia....siis hinnat.
(Ymmärrän kyllä yrittäjien tilannetta)
Mutta tuottoa voisi tulla,jos jokainen laittaisi jonkun extratuotteen kivalla (edullisella) hinnalla. Voisi välillä vaihdella tuotetta,tyyliin
"Kuukauden extra"
"Viikon extra"
Näin teki minulle jätskivaunun vieressä olevan ison teltallisen kahvion viehättävä ja erittäin ystävällinen ????
Tilasin maukkaan ,hyvin täytetyn,valmiin lihapiirakan ja nakkikattilasta 2 piiiitkää nakkia + limu ja kahvi.
Oli ruokaa mahalle ja silmälle!
Menen toistekkin!
Markkinapäivisin on vilkasta, muuten tori on rauhallinen. Torilta ostin hyviä omenoita.

Place Pictures

Küçük Resim 1 Küçük Resim 1 Küçük Resim 1 Küçük Resim 1 Küçük Resim 1 Küçük Resim 1 Küçük Resim 1 Küçük Resim 1

Tori Info


  • Wheelchair accessible entrance
Service options
  • In-store shopping