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Tukka Tapuli

+358 9 3862252
Palokuja 400750 Helsinki Finland
Open Today: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Quick Facts About Tukka Tapuli

Tukka Tapuli place has several strengths based on the comments. Firstly, the customers are generally satisfied with the service and end results. One comment states that the person is happy with the service and the end result, indicating that the overall experience is positive. Another comment specifically mentions that the hairstylist did a beautiful job with a prom hairstyle, suggesting that the salon has skilled and talented stylists who can create desirable looks.
The salon is also praised for its good and friendly service. One customer mentions that they have been going to the salon regularly for years and are satisfied with the stylist's work. The comment also states that the customer and their partner now go together, which implies that the salon is successful in creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for its clients. Another comment emphasizes the good service and quick but precise work done by the staff. These positive comments about the service indicate that the salon has a friendly and efficient team that can cater to different customer needs.
In terms of pricing, the salon is mentioned as reasonably priced. One comment states that the service is reasonably priced and the results have been excellent. Another comment appreciates the affordable price for the desired hairstyle. These comments suggest that the salon offers competitive pricing, making it attractive for customers who are conscious of their budget.
One comment also suggests that Tukka Tapuli place is the best salon within a 20km radius and offers the best service in the Uusimaa region. This comment indicates that the salon has built a reputation for its quality of service and stands out among competitors in the area. Being recognized as the best in the region can be a significant advantage for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.
However, there are also some weaknesses mentioned in the comments. One comment notes that the haircut was slightly rough, with uneven edges and leftover hair on the neck, potentially indicating that attention to detail and thoroughness may be lacking in some cases. The same comment also criticizes the feeling of rushing during the appointment, suggesting that speed may have been prioritized over quality. Similarly, another comment mentions that the speed of service was appreciated but at the expense of quality. These remarks highlight the potential weakness in maintaining consistency in the quality of service and ensuring all customers receive meticulous attention.
Additionally, one comment suggests that the salon could benefit from an online booking system to make it easier for new customers to find and schedule appointments. This comment implies that the current booking process may not be as user-friendly or accessible for potential clients who are searching for local hair services. By not having an online booking option, the salon may be missing out on potential customers who prefer the convenience of online scheduling.
In conclusion, Tukka Tapuli place has various strengths, including overall customer satisfaction, skilled stylists, friendly service, reasonable pricing, and a positive reputation in the region. However, there are also areas for improvement, such as ensuring consistency in the quality of service, paying attention to detail, and implementing online booking options. Addressing these weaknesses can further enhance the salon's strengths and attract a wider customer base.

Best TL Reviews

Tyytyväinen olen palveluun ja lopputulokseen. Ajanvaraus mahdollisuus netin kautta helpottaisi ajan varaamista erityisesti uusien asiakkaiden etsiessä lähialueelta kampaamo palveluita.
Tytölle tehtiin todella kaunis wanhojentanssi kampaus.
Olen vuosien mittaan käynyt säännöllisesti tässä kampaamossa. Hyvä, ystävällinen palvelu. Olen oikein tyytyväinen kampaajan tekemään työhön, taitavaa ja asiantuntevaa. Nykyään käymme siellä yhdessä mieheni kanssa. ????
Ihan ok, mutta hieman suurpiirteinen leikkaustyyli. Olisi voitu viimeistellä reunat paremmin ja pyyhkiä niskasta hiuksenpätkät pois, sekä puhaltaa päästä enimmät jämät pois lopuksi. Jäi tunne että on kiire. 28 euron parturiksi sen takia vähän tyyris. Kolmas tähti tuli nopeudesta, vaikka se tapahtuikin laadun kustannuksella.
Tytär sai juuri sellaiset hiukset kuin halusi ja hintakin oli erittäin sopiva, ehdottomasti suosittelen
Hyvä kampaamo/parturi. Olen käyttänyt yhdessä vaiheessa usein. Nyt muutettuanikin pidemmälle vielä silloin tällöin olen heitä käyttänyt. Kohtuu hintainen ja jälki on ollut erinomaista.
Hyvä palvelu ja nopee, mutta tarkkaa työtä teki????
Paras kampaamo 20km säteellä ja paras palvelu uudellamaalla.

Tukka Tapuli Info



Opening Hours

Thursday 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Monday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Saturday 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM

How to go there
