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London Shelton Hotel

+44 20 8348 3090
60 Wightman Rd, Harringay Ladder, London N4 1RU United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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Quick Facts About London Shelton Hotel

The London Shelton Hotel has a mix of positive and negative comments, which provide insights into its strengths and weaknesses.
One of the strengths mentioned by multiple commenters is the hotel's location. It is conveniently located close to shops and a transport system, making it easy to access central London. The presence of a nearby train station is particularly praised, as it allows guests to travel quickly and efficiently. Additionally, there are supermarkets and pubs within walking distance, providing convenience to guests.
Another positive aspect highlighted by some guests is the friendly and welcoming staff. Commenters specifically mention names like Alex, Zayn, Eddie, and Ahmed Zain in a positive light, expressing that they had a great customer service experience and felt well taken care of.
In terms of weaknesses, the most common complaint is about the cleanliness of the hotel. Multiple commenters note that the cleanliness was poor and below acceptable standards. They mention dirtiness, mold, and a lack of cleanliness in the rooms. Some feel uncomfortable even placing their belongings or taking off their shoes in the rooms. This indicates a significant weakness of the hotel and could be a deterrent for potential guests looking for a clean and hygienic environment.
Additionally, there are complaints regarding specific amenities within the rooms. One guest mentions small rooms, unclean toilets, and a faulty kettle that emitted a bad smell. Another guest mentions a lack of hot water, which resulted in an early departure as they couldn't take a shower. These issues highlight a lack of attention to detail and maintenance, which can contribute to a negative guest experience.
The hotel's breakfast service also receives mixed reviews. Some guests mention that breakfast was included in their stay, but was canceled on the first day due to kitchen problems. Others mention that breakfast is served outside, which may not be ideal for everyone. While some guests seem to have a satisfactory experience with breakfast, it is clear that there are inconsistencies in its availability and service.
There are also a couple of comments regarding pricing. One guest feels that the hotel is expensive for what they received, suggesting that the value for money may not be favorable. However, another guest mentions that the prices are good overall. This indicates a potential inconsistency in pricing and perception of its fairness.
Overall, the strengths of the London Shelton Hotel include its convenient location, friendly staff, and spacious rooms. On the other hand, its weaknesses lie in the cleanliness, maintenance, and amenities provided. These weaknesses can significantly impact the guest experience and may lead to dissatisfaction. It is important for the hotel to address these issues to improve its overall reputation and attract more guests.

Best TL Reviews

Wer Sauberkeit nach deutschem Standard erwartet, ist hier falsch. Das Zimmer war erst 21 Uhr bezugsfertig, sah aber so aus als ob Monate lang nicht gereinigt wurde und bloß das Bett neu bezogen war. Zum Glück war das Personal flexibel und wir haben statt eines Dreibettzimmers ein Doppelzimmer und ein Einzelzimmer bekommen. Obwohl Frühstück mit inbegriffen war, ist es den ersten Tag ausgefallen wegen "Problemen in der Küche". Außerdem sollte erwähnt werden, dass das Frühstück draußen statt findet.
Mit das schlechteste was Ich je erlebt habe. Schmutz, Schimmel und ach Ich reg mich schon wieder auf. Nicht zu Empfehlen.
Wer noch denk man könnte Frühstücken der sollte es bleiben lassen. Hoffe Mir nichts eingefangen zu haben. Zum Glück muss Ich nicht bleiben.
Top war definitiv die Lage. Es ist zwar außerhalb, aber man fährt dennoch nicht ewig rein in die City und die Verbindungen gehen alle 10 Minuten. Und man hatte alles fußläufig in der Nähe, wie Supermarkt und einmal die Straße runter einen Pub.
Allerdings ist Sauberkeit ein Fremdwort. Ich habe mich nicht getraut irgendwo Sachen von mir ab zu legen oder die Socken aus zu ziehen. Die Zimmer sind dermaßen abgewrackt und es musste ein Mitarbeiter kommen, um ein Scharnier aus dem Fenster zu entfernen, da es sonst nicht zu schließen war. Das Frühstück haben wir und gekniffen und man musste echt Angst haben, dass die Türen nicht richtig schließen, weil die Schlösser auch aus dem letzten Jahrhundert sind gefühlt. Also bei geschlossenen Augen war es ein schönes Hotel, wenn man nicht weiter daran gedacht hat, wo man sich gerade befindet.
Teures hotel für den Preise.
Not bad experience. Been there a few times.
Ahmed Zain and the new crew have really done wonders since taking over.
Will visit again.
Had to book the room on urgent accommodation issue. Was charged £100 cash only for one night. I never even stayed there for half of the day
Small room
Toilet unclean
Kettle in room was so bad could smell it when I never even used it and the inside of it was like dirty water and no hit water which is why I left early as I could not even get a shower
Location of the hotel is convenient, close to shops and transport system. Rooms are standard and beds are comfy. Eddie and Ali are helpful among the staff and helped me during my stay as I had to self isolate.I didn’t have a good experience with the rest of the staff, once delivered the clean sheets while they placed it on the floor.The downpart is that guests and staff don’t wear masks here and the dinning room is in basement with loads of stairs. But over all, acceptable and friendly service.
Very good location. The staff were very welcoming and friendly, they made my stay. Shout out to Alex, Zayn and Eddie. The rooms were very spacious,clean and warm. It is very close to the train station which got me into Central London very quickly. Also lots of nearby takeaways which come in handy. Overall good prices and great customer service, I would highly recommend!

London Shelton Hotel Info
