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+358 45 3465559
Jukankatu SAIFIN SAKSET55100 Imatra Finland
Open Today: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM


SAIFIN SAKSET& BARBER SHOP has primarily received positive feedback from customers, highlighting its good service and quality work. This indicates that the barbershop has strengths in these areas, which likely contribute to its success.
The fact that customers mention that they had their own hair and their children's hair cut here is a positive aspect, as it suggests that the barbers at SAIFIN SAKSET& BARBER SHOP are skilled in both adult and children's haircuts. Providing a range of services for different age groups can attract a wider customer base and increase customer loyalty.
Furthermore, the comments mentioning the quick and high-quality haircuts indicate another strength of the barbershop. Customers appreciate the efficiency and good results of the haircuts they received. Quick and efficient service can be a significant advantage, especially for busy individuals who prefer not to spend too much time at the barbershop.
The positive mentions of the friendly and good service reflect well on SAIFIN SAKSET& BARBER SHOP's customer service skills. Good customer service is crucial for building strong relationships with customers and maintaining their satisfaction. A friendly and welcoming environment can make customers feel comfortable and encourage them to return to the barbershop.
Additionally, the comment mentioning that there is no need for appointments is seen as a strength. Many customers appreciate the convenience of being able to visit the barbershop without having to make an appointment in advance. This flexibility can attract customers who prefer spontaneous visits or have unpredictable schedules.
On the other hand, there are some weaknesses highlighted in the comments as well. One customer mentioned that during their second visit, the barbershop was busy and the work was not done professionally, resulting in the child feeling sad. This indicates a potential weakness in managing peak hours and maintaining consistent quality service. In order to address this weakness, SAIFIN SAKSET& BARBER SHOP should consider implementing strategies to better handle busy periods, such as hiring additional staff or creating a more efficient scheduling system.
Another weakness mentioned in one of the comments is the increase in price during the second visit. While the comment does not provide further details or explanation for the increase, it suggests that the barbershop may need to improve transparency and communication regarding pricing. Customers appreciate clear and consistent pricing, and unexpected price increases can negatively impact their overall experience. SAIFIN SAKSET& BARBER SHOP should ensure that customers are informed about any potential price changes in advance and have a clear understanding of the pricing structure.
In conclusion, SAIFIN SAKSET& BARBER SHOP has several strengths, including good service, quality work, efficient haircuts, and a friendly atmosphere. However, there are also some weaknesses to address, such as managing peak hours and maintaining consistent quality during busy times, as well as improving transparency around pricing. By addressing these weaknesses and building on their strengths, SAIFIN SAKSET& BARBER SHOP can continue to provide a positive customer experience and attract new customers.

Best TL Reviews

Omat ja poikien hiukset leikattu täällä. Erittäin hyvä palvelu ja hyvä työnjälki.
kävimme ensimmäistä kertaa lapsen hiustenleikkauksessa ja tehtävä oli tehty hyvin. palasimme muutaman kuukauden kuluttua parturilla oli kiire, työtä ei tehty ammattimaisesti, jopa lapsi oli surullinen. hinta kuitenkin tuplaantui ????En usko, että tulemme takaisin
Nopea ja laadukas hiustenleikkaus! Palvelu oli myös hyvää ja ystävällistä
Ensimmäinen käynti ja loistava lopputulos, suosittelen kaikille. Ja ilman ajanvarausta, joka on loistavaa palvelua. Kiitos!!
Erittäin hyvä, nopea leikkaus ja ennenkaikkea ilman varausta joka sopii minulle kuin nenä päähän????
Ammattitaitoinen parranleikkaus, sekä hiuksien. Lopputulos oli juuri sellainen kuin toivoinkin. Tulen varmasti toistekkin, kun käyn Imatralla.
Hyvä palvelu ja siisti työnjälki! ????
Pojan hiusten leikkaus. Erinomainen työn jälki ja hyvä, ystävällinen palvelu. Suosittelen!

Place Pictures

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Health & safety
  • Staff required to disinfect surfaces between visits
  • Staff get temperature checks
  • Restroom


Opening Hours

Thursday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Monday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Sunday 02:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

How to go there
