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Savonlinnan linja-autoasema Oy

+358 15 515965
Tulliportinkatu 1-5 D 4257100 Savonlinna Finland
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Quick Facts About Savonlinnan linja-autoasema Oy

Savonlinnan linja-autoasema Oy, also known as Savonlinna bus station, has both strengths and weaknesses according to the comments provided.
Starting with the strengths, it is mentioned that Savonlinna bus station offers excellent nerve massage therapy, provided by a skilled practitioner named Kaisa. This service is highly praised for its effectiveness in relieving back pain. Additionally, the local sewing machine and embroidery service is also mentioned as a great place to do business. This indicates that there are diverse services available at the bus station.
Furthermore, the bus station is described as being conveniently located, with many shops and facilities in the same building. This is beneficial for passengers, as they can easily access various amenities without having to leave the premises. The café is specifically highlighted for its fresh offerings and pleasant staff. This suggests that the bus station provides a comfortable environment for travelers to relax and enjoy their time while waiting for their bus.
Another positive aspect mentioned is the presence of a flea market and several small shops in the lower level of the building. This provides visitors with additional options for shopping or browsing during their time at the bus station.
Moving on to the weaknesses, one particular comment highlights the lack of storage lockers at the bus station. This can be problematic for travelers who have a few hours to spare and need a secure place to store their belongings. Additionally, it is mentioned that the doors to the waiting area were closed, and it is unclear if they were even open on holidays, such as Christmas. This lack of access to the waiting area can cause inconvenience and discomfort, especially during cold weather. The comment suggests that the bus station should provide clear and accessible areas for passengers, including storage lockers and free toilets, especially in locations where bus services are the primary means of transportation.
Another negative aspect mentioned is the cleanliness of the bus station. It is described as dirty, with trash scattered on the floor and benches. This can create an uncomfortable and unpleasant environment for passengers waiting for their bus. It is hoped that the bus station maintains regular cleaning for the benefit of the passengers.
In terms of facilities, it is mentioned that the bus station is spacious compared to other cities, with ample parking space for buses. However, it is noted that the entrance to the parcel service office is narrow and may be prone to damage from bus drivers. The availability of vacant commercial spaces is also mentioned, suggesting that there may be opportunities for businesses to establish themselves within the bus station.
Some technical issues are also mentioned, such as problems with purchasing online tickets and issues with the air conditioning system, which blows hot air instead of cold. While these problems are highlighted, it is noted that the buses themselves are functional and able to transport passengers to their destinations.
In summary, Savonlinnan linja-autoasema Oy has several strengths, including excellent massage therapy services, a variety of shops and facilities, and a convenient location. However, there are also weaknesses, such as the lack of storage lockers, potential access issues to the waiting area, cleanliness concerns, and technical problems. These areas of improvement should be addressed to enhance the overall experience for visitors to the bus station.

Best TL Reviews

Kiitos Kaisa,kyllä se niin on,et ei Savonlinnasta löydy toista joka tekee niin loistavaa hermorata hierontaa ja tekee sen omia voimia säästämättä.kyllä selkäoireet helpotti heti.ISO KIITOS Kaisa????
Paikallinen Ompelukone ja brodeerauspalvelu,....oiva paikka asioida.
Matkustin Joulun tienoilla. Linja-auto asemat ovat menneet ikäviksi paikoiksi, ei ole tavarasäilytyslokeroita, enkä tiedä oliko se edes auki Tapanina, minulla olisi ollut muutama tunti odotettavaa, eikä ainakaan ne ovet auenneet kyseisessä ostohelvetissä, missä matkahuoltokin sijaitsee. Olisi siinä pakkasessa tullut kylmä, joten pummasin tutuilta kyydin eteenpäin, mistä matkustin junalla kotiin. Linja-auto asemilla pitäisi olla selkeät tilat matkustajille tavarasäilytyksineen ja ravitsemusmyymälöineen sekä ilmaisine vessoineen. Varsinkin paikkakunnilla, missä bussiliikenne on oikeastaan ainut poikkiliikenne väline.
Hyvällä paikalla.. Paljon myymälöitä samassa rakennuksessa. Hyvä linja-auto asema. Mukava kahvio jossa tuoreet tarjottavat. Ystävällinen palvelu ja miellyttävä henkilökunta.
Kirpputori ja monta pientä liikettä alakerrassa.
Da qui si possono prendere i pullman della Onnibus per andare verso Helsinki o altre destinazioni. Le panchine per attendere i bus a lato del parcheggio sono sudicie e a terra è letteralmente un porcaio pieno di immondizia lasciata per terra (carta, plastica, patatine, sigarette ecc). Spero che passino spesso a pulire perché è veramente sporco e mette a disagio se bisogna attendere un bus.
Muihin kaupunkeihin verrattuna iso.. Bussit sopii hyvin parkkiin. Matkahuolto asiamiehen ovi on kyllä ahdas. Bussikuskit kolisuttavat oven karmeja. Liiketiloja runsaasti vapaana
Ongelmia nettilipun ostamisessa, ongelmia ilmastoinnissa joka puhalsi kuumaa ilmaa. Mutta dösä kyllä kuljetti paikasta toiseen, edes jokin toimi.

Place Pictures

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Savonlinnan linja-autoasema Oy Info


  • Wheelchair accessible entrance