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Wombwell Park

15 Wright Cres, Wombwell, Barnsley S73 0ES United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Open Today: -

Quick Facts About Wombwell Park

Wombwell Park, based on the comments provided, has several strengths and weaknesses that can be identified. In terms of strengths, the park boasts a lovely playground that is clean and spacious. The availability of various amenities such as climbing frames, skateboarding ramps, and a basketball court adds to the recreational options for kids. Additionally, the park offers scenic views, making it an enjoyable place for walks. It also provides seating for adults, allowing them to relax while their children play. Moreover, the park has a dedicated group of volunteers known as the Friends of Wombwell Park, who organize events and help maintain the park, making it a better place for the community.
The comments also highlight some weaknesses of Wombwell Park. One major concern mentioned by a visitor is the presence of motorbikes riding through the park, which is seen as extremely dangerous. This issue suggests a lack of sufficient measures to ensure pedestrian safety, such as a pedestrian crossing or a closed gate to prevent unauthorized entry. Another safety concern mentioned is the presence of broken glass and litter in certain areas, particularly around the skateboard area. This indicates a need for better cleaning and maintenance practices by the local authority.
Despite the park's strengths, some individuals expressed disappointment with its current state. One comment notes that the park could be lovely, as it once was, but highlights the presence of broken glass as a deterrent. Another comment emphasizes the need for the local authority to invest more time in ensuring the park's safety and cleanliness, as the presence of broken glass and litter remains an issue.
However, amidst these concerns, several visitors still appreciate the park. One individual highlights the park's peaceful atmosphere, making it an ideal place for a walk and children's play area. Another comment praises the park as one of their favorites, further emphasizing its appeal.
Based on the strengths and weaknesses mentioned, it can be concluded that Wombwell Park offers a range of recreational opportunities for children and adults alike, with a clean and spacious playground, scenic views, and amenities for different activities. The involvement of the Friends of Wombwell Park showcases community spirit and effort to enhance the park's environment through events and upkeep. However, issues related to safety, such as the presence of motorbikes and broken glass, as well as littering, need to be addressed by the local authority to ensure a safer and more pleasant experience for park visitors. Ultimately, with the necessary improvements and continued community involvement, Wombwell Park has the potential to regain its former reputation as a lovely, enjoyable, and well-maintained park.

Best TL Reviews

Lovely playground. Nice and clean and spacious. Plenty of places to have lovely walks. Kids can ride their bikes and go on the skateboard park. Seats for adults to sit on too.
Lovely little park climbing frames skateboarding nice walk around and the views are awesome
The friends of Wombwell Park had a Halloween themed party. It was a lovely day, plenty of visitors. They had games and craft activities for the little ones. The people who organised the event are stars. They also help around the park to make it a better place
Every time i go there with kids there is a bunch of fellas riding a motorbikes acros a park!! They should make a pedestrian crossing or shut the freaking gate off!!!
Its extremly dangerous!!!!
Be carefull with Your kids
Lots of broken glass around skateboard area, dustbins not emptied great squirrels though. Could be a lovely park, it was once.
June 2021, lots of work by volunteers cleaning the park , much better. Still abused by idiots throwing litter and bottles about when bins are provided.
Cheers for the volunteers ????‍♂️
Lovely place for doggy walking with superb views across towards Hemingfield. Shame that the local authority doesn't spend a bit more time keeping it safe as there's often a lot of broken glass and rubbish to be seen.
Lovely peaceful place for a walk, kiddies play area etc. One of my favourite parks
Its a great park, my son loves to ride around it on his bike and scooter and go on the ramps and climb all the trees. There is a good set of swings and climbing frames and a basket ball court too. We like it alot.

Place Pictures

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Wombwell Park Info


  • Wheelchair-accessible car park
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance
  • Good for kids