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Sunset Inn

+1 760-957-7744
860 Main St, Barstow, CA 92311 United States of America
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Quick Facts About Sunset Inn

Sunset Inn, located in Barstow, has received a mix of positive and negative feedback from its customers. In order to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the place, we will analyze the comments provided.
Starting with the positive comments, one customer mentions that the Sunset Inn offers reasonable pricing, making it an affordable option for travelers. This is a strength of the place, as it caters to budget-conscious individuals. Additionally, the staff, including the owner Jimmy, is described as helpful, friendly, and reasonable. Jimmy is commended for his willingness to go out of his way to assist customers. This is another strength, as good customer service plays a crucial role in creating a positive experience for guests. The reviewer highly recommends the place and emphasizes that one should not judge a book by its cover, implying that the exterior appearance may not accurately reflect the quality of the accommodations. This highlights the potential for the Sunset Inn to surprise customers with its value and comfort.
Another individual mentions that the Sunset Inn is an excellent place to relax and unwind, especially for travelers. The manager is described as a sweetheart who enjoys working at the Sunset Inn, contributing to a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The reviewer also mentions that everyone is treated with respect and honor, creating a sense of community among the guests and staff. This is a significant strength, as a positive and respectful environment can enhance the overall experience for guests.
However, not all comments are positive. One reviewer complains about a roach infestation in their room. This is a clear weakness of the place, as cleanliness and pest control are essential for a comfortable stay. The reviewer also mentions that the rooms were badly kept and highlights issues such as a detached bedroom door frame upon arrival. These maintenance shortcomings indicate a lack of attention to detail and may contribute to an overall negative impression of the place. This comment suggests that improvements in cleanliness and room maintenance are essential for the Sunset Inn to retain customers.
On the other hand, there is a positive comment mentioning that the Sunset Inn has recently undergone renovations, resulting in upgraded rooms with new beds, TVs, and other amenities. This is a significant strength, as updated rooms can significantly enhance the comfort and satisfaction of guests. Renovations indicate that the management is investing in improving the quality of the accommodations.
In terms of management, another reviewer praises Jimmy as a nice guy running the Sunset Inn. This is another strength of the place, as having a friendly and approachable manager can create a positive experience for guests. The reviewer also mentions that Jimmy keeps the place quiet, which can be a desirable quality for those seeking a peaceful environment. This contributes to the overall ambiance and comfort provided by the Sunset Inn.
However, one comment stands out as particularly negative, stating that the reviewer did not like the place due to the presence of several individuals they did not get along with. This comment conveys a personal grievance rather than an objective evaluation of the Sunset Inn. However, it is important to note that the reviewer's negative experience may stem from specific circumstances that cannot be generalized to all guests. Despite this negative comment, it is necessary to consider it within the broader context of other feedback.
In conclusion, the Sunset Inn has several strengths, including reasonable pricing, helpful and friendly staff, recent renovations, and a welcoming community atmosphere. However, there are weaknesses to address, such as cleanliness issues and poor room maintenance. By focusing on these weaknesses and working to improve them, the Sunset Inn has the potential to provide an even better experience for its guests.

Best TL Reviews

This place is reasonable priced for the most part helpful and friendly staff the owner jimmy is a reasonable person who goes out of his way to help his Costner's AA my way he can I highly recommend you check the sunset out safe reasonable pricing don't judge a book by its cov we r if you do you miss all the good parts so if your traveling thru Barstow and need to rest go see jimmy and his staff they will defently take care of you
I Live here now.why do you ask me how was this place? I live here
This is a excellent place to relax and unwind if you like to travel. The manager is a real sweetheart; she really enjoys working at sunset. Everyone is very nice, and we are a one big family. Everyone treats everybody with respect and honor.
One word: roaches. They were all over our room to the point where it would be called an infestation. The staff was nice enough after the manager change, but the rooms were badly kept. The door to the bedroom area wasn't even attached to the frame when we got there! It was a terrible few months living there and I do not recommend it. Like, ever.
Needed to find a place at the last minute and this place offered a great price. Asked to check the room first and the owner gladly showed me the new renovated room! What a surprise when I walked into the room with new bed, new TV and other amenities. A fine jewel indeed!
Everything was clean and working. Manager is excellent ready to help everyone is very nice too. Located by buses to take you places.all in all I would rather this place with five stars. thanks
Jimmy is a nice guy that runs the new Sunset, the rooms have been remodeled giving this place a much needed upgrade, his fair prices are normal for the area and considering the area he keeps his place quiet.
Everybody was there from cousin's dad and to ex-girlfriends I didn't like it at all

Sunset Inn Info
