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+44 20 3582 0708
118 Cromwell Rd, London SW7 4ET United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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Quick Facts About Vecchiomondo

Vecchiomondo place is a restaurant that seems to have several weaknesses based on the comments provided. Firstly, the service is described as poor, with the waitress being unfriendly, overworked, and overwhelmed. The fact that she is also the cook likely adds to her inability to provide attentive service. This can greatly impact the overall dining experience and discourage customers from returning.
Another weakness mentioned is the quality of the food. While the noodles are described as "okay," the pizza is criticized as being a disaster. It is said to have no flavor, be flimsy, and potentially even frozen. This lack of quality not only disappoints customers, but it also raises concerns about the standards and freshness of the ingredients used in the restaurant's dishes.
The comments also mention the smell of the restaurant, describing it as something that cannot be easily described. This unpleasant odor can be a major turn-off for customers, making them less likely to enjoy their meal and consider returning in the future. A strong and off-putting smell indicates a lack of cleanliness and hygiene, which further diminishes the restaurant's reputation.
One significant weakness highlighted in the comments is the compulsory 15% service charge. Customers express frustration at having to pay this charge for such poor service. This can leave a negative impression and make customers feel like they are being taken advantage of. Additionally, there are instances where customers feel that they have been overcharged, which further amplifies their dissatisfaction with the restaurant.
The comments also mention that the restaurant lacks an authentic Italian feel to it. This can be seen as a weakness because customers expecting an authentic Italian dining experience may be disappointed in the ambiance and overall atmosphere of the restaurant. This lack of authenticity can undermine its credibility as an Italian restaurant and deter potential customers.
Based on the comments, it is evident that Vecchiomondo place has several weaknesses including poor service, low-quality food, unpleasant odor, compulsory service charge, lack of authenticity, and potential overcharging. These weaknesses can greatly impact the reputation and success of the restaurant, leading to negative reviews and dissatisfied customers.

Best TL Reviews

Die Kellnerin (alte, ungepflegte Frau) ist gleichzeitig die Köchin, unfreundlich und total überfordert.
Getränke nur in Plastikflaschen oder Dosen..
Nudeln waren einigermaßen Ok aber die Pizza eine katastrophe.. schmeckt nach nichts.. labbrig und ca. 20cm durchmesser.. ich würde sogar sagen, das es tiefkühlware war.
0 Service für 15% Trinkgeldaufschlag!!!
Zudem riecht es sehr komisch in dem Restaurant.. der Geruch ist nicht zu beschreiben!
Fazit: Gebt euer Geld wo anders aus!!!!!
STAY AWAY... Came here with my brothers after a Chelsea match looking for a pizza. Disaster stroke when we entered this place. Food, Wine, service, smell of this place is so bad that one can wonder how this place can stay in business. We made the mistake by not checking reviews before entering and not leaving when the food was served... Amazing that a pizza place can have a rating of 1,4 when thinking of 1 being the lowest possible.
I can only support another reviewer that would rather give the money to a homeless and stay hungry than eat here...
Non andate in questo posto! Cibo immangiabile, bottigliette dell'acqua scadute! Mancia obbligatoria del 15% che vale zero! Il locale deve chiudere subito, se l'acqua è scaduta non oso immaginare il cibo! Cenato il 12/08/2019
Spent a weekend in London’s with my family and wanted to get something quick. From the outside the restaurant look nice enough but once you enter you are hit with the smell of old food and a$$. The owner/hostess/bartender/cook/barker/server is rude and adds costs to the bill out of thin air. If you enjoy terrible food, god awful service and expensive prices this is your place!!!!!
Devanture accueillante . Après avoir franchi la porte , une mauvaise odeur très prenante , décoration très spéciale , une femme effrayante , nourriture surgelée n'ayant aucun gout . Je ne recommande absolument pas .
This was a disaster. Avoid at all costs. When we first went in, the place smelt offputting and we knew from the start that it was going to be bad. The owner was a scary old woman, and the only staff member. We were the only customers in there when other restaurants were completely full. The food was totally overpriced. The woman cooked all of the meals in a small kitchen next door by herself. When the food arrived it looked very unappetizing and tasted just as bad. When paying, the woman charged a compulsory 15% service charge which was ridiculous, and she overcharged us by £20. The restaurant had no italian feel to it and an overall bad experience. Avoid at all costs
Restaurant HORRIBLE !
La serveuse/cuisinière est tout sauf sympa. L'odeur du restaurant est à vomir, les viande des lasagnes était avariée, j'ai mangé une demi cuillère et j'ai repoussé le plat... l'odeur de viande pourri était trop présente. Tout, je dis bien TOUT était absolument dégueulasse.... je regrette de ne pas avoir regardé les avis avant. Ah, et le parmesan est jaune et sent le beurre fermenté !
From the outside the restaurant looks great, but as soon as you step in and is "greeted" by the owner/hostess/waitress it becomes clear that the experience will be awful. She was between being rude and ignoring us. We ordered the food since we didn't want to be fooled by first impressions... Big mistake. The food was terrible, my boyfriendeft his plate untouched and mine was ok but I had better food buying frozen at the supermarket. Not sure how after all these reviews this place is still open.

Vecchiomondo Info



Opening Hours

Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

How to go there
