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Madison Square

5919 Madison Ave, Carmichael, CA 95608 United States of America
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Quick Facts About Madison Square

Madison Square Place, located in the Carmichael/Citrus Heights area, has a mixed bag of strengths and weaknesses, as mentioned in the comments provided. This analysis will delve into the various aspects of Madison Square Place, discussing its strengths and weaknesses to provide a comprehensive overview.
One of the strengths highlighted in the comments is the presence of A-1 COMICS, which is touted as the greatest comic book store in America by Neato Torpedo. This suggests that Madison Square Place attracts patrons interested in comic books and pop culture. This particular store could act as a significant draw for customers, bringing foot traffic to the shopping center and benefiting other businesses in the vicinity.
The comment praising Save Mart and Subway indicates that these establishments have a positive reputation within Madison Square Place. The presence of a well-regarded grocery store and a Subway with efficient and skilled workers can offer convenience and satisfy customers' need for food and drinks.
Another notable strength is the inclusion of a Walmart in Madison Square Place. Walmart is known for its wide range of products, and the commenter mentions that it provides most of the necessary grocery and household items. This suggests that the Walmart is well-stocked, making it a convenient one-stop-shop for customers.
However, the comments also highlight various weaknesses of Madison Square Place. The negative experiences mentioned at Walmart, including the lack of availability of certain medicines and alleged racial profiling by employees, are significant concerns. These issues can lead to a negative shopping experience and deter potential customers. Addressing these problems should be a priority for the management of Madison Square Place to ensure a fair and inclusive environment for all patrons.
Another recurring issue is the parking lot. Multiple comments describe the parking lot as sketchy, with people driving and parking recklessly. This poses a safety risk to customers and can harm the overall shopping experience. Improved design and better signage could help alleviate these problems and create a safer environment for patrons.
The comments also mention the need for improvements such as new concrete, safer lighting, and the addition of family entertainment and a gym. The desire for these additions suggests that Madison Square Place lacks certain amenities and experiences that customers expect from a shopping center. Incorporating these elements would enhance the overall appeal of the place, attract more visitors, and improve customer satisfaction.
In conclusion, Madison Square Place has its strengths, such as the presence of A-1 COMICS, Save Mart, and Walmart, which provide a diverse range of products and services. However, the weaknesses identified in the comments, such as issues at Walmart, a sketchy parking lot, and a lack of certain amenities, present challenges that need to be addressed. By addressing these weaknesses and capitalizing on its strengths, Madison Square Place can improve its reputation, attract more customers, and create a more enjoyable shopping experience for all.

Best TL Reviews

Neato Torpedo, Birth of A-1 COMICS The greatest Comic book Store in America!!! To bad it is in a larger shop space about a 1.25 miles away...
Love Save Mart and the Subway. The Subway crew make great sandwiches. The Save Mart usually has Coke and Pepsi soda on sale each week.
I only utilize the Walmart in this area, so my rating is based on that. It has most of what you'd need from a Walmart Grocery, as long as you're looking for food and household items. I can't rate it more than a single star because they've stopped carrying the medicine that my roommate and I need to make it through these cold months with our sanity intact. They sometimes follow you around the entire time, because if you look "a certain way" or aren't white, they assume you'll be stealing. Even when you're queued up to WORK there, if they think you're "ghetto" or "too street"-looking, they'll all but accuse you of stealing outright. Some of the braver employees will stand at the checkout WITH you and wait for an opportunity to accuse you of some wrongdoing. It's ok, if you don't mind ignorant and racist store employees.
This parking lot is always a bit too much. I saw someone trying to sell chains from their car, another dude almost ran over an entire family and people generally drive and park like garbage here. I try to avoid this parking lot anymore.
This parking lot is like many in Carmichael/Citrus Heights area. Sketchy af. Be aware of your surroundings and park as close as possible at night. The ross is decent but other than that i skip this place all together.
The parking lot needs a better design at the 3 way stop sign. Or maybe the people should respect that it is a stop sign for your safety.
I love that the parking lot is so big lot of stores right now hello area
Needs new concrete poured. Safer lighting. Less tenant loss. Family entertainment added. Gym also.

Place Pictures

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Madison Square Info


  • Wheelchair accessible entrance