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J D's Fashions

+1 803-787-3608
5540 Forest Dr, Columbia, SC 29206 United States of America
Open Today: -

Quick Facts About J D's Fashions

J D's Fashions place, based on the comments provided, has several strengths and weaknesses. This analysis will explore these strengths and weaknesses in detail.
One of the strengths of J D's Fashions place is the pricing of their products. According to one comment, the prices are described as being at the extreme end of average. This suggests that the prices are relatively affordable and competitive compared to other similar stores. Affordable pricing can be appealing to customers who are looking for good deals and value for their money. It can attract a wider range of customers and potentially drive more sales.
However, this strength is overshadowed by several weaknesses related to customer service. The comments consistently mention rude and unhelpful staff, emphasizing a lack of customer service skills. This can be detrimental to the business as it creates a negative experience for customers. Poor customer service can lead to a decrease in customer loyalty and a loss of potential repeat customers. Additionally, it can result in negative word-of-mouth, which can further damage the store's reputation and impact future sales.
Another weakness highlighted in the comments is the inconsistency and unreliability of the store's staff. One customer mentioned an incident where the cashier failed to add an item to the purchase, causing an inconvenience and resulting in the customer being denied the product. This inconsistency in service and accuracy in handling transactions can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction among customers. It raises questions about the competence and attention to detail of the staff, which can negatively impact the store's reputation.
Moreover, the comments indicate a lack of respect and professionalism displayed by the employees. One incident described a customer being met with disrespect when asking a question about a product. This behavior is unacceptable and reflects poorly on the store and its staff. Respectful and professional interactions with customers are essential for building and maintaining a positive image for the store. Failing to provide a basic level of respect to customers can lead to lost sales and a damaged reputation.
Furthermore, the comments mention instances of double charging and the store's refusal to acknowledge and rectify the mistake. This raises concerns about the store's integrity and honesty. Customers rely on businesses to conduct transactions accurately and professionally. The failure to address and resolve errors can lead to distrust and a loss of confidence in the store's practices.
In terms of product selection, there are mixed reviews. One comment mentions a limited supply of hair (crotchet) but a good supply of wigs and headband wigs. This suggests that the store may have a niche market focusing on specific hair products. While specialization can be a strength in targeting a particular customer base, the limited selection in one category may deter customers looking for a wide variety of options.
In conclusion, the strengths of J D's Fashions place lie in its competitive pricing. However, the weaknesses greatly overshadow this strength. Poor customer service, rude and unhelpful staff, inconsistency and unreliability, lack of respect and professionalism, and issues with double charging are significant weaknesses that can negatively impact the store's reputation, customer loyalty, and overall sales performance. It is crucial for the store to address these weaknesses and prioritize improvements in customer service to succeed in a competitive market.

Best TL Reviews

Prices are to the extreme end of average. The people that work there are rude and customer service is either non existent or overbearing. I'm done with this store.
I read the reviews and then considered not going there but thought they were probably isolated Incidents. I purchased a couple things my total was like $14. I had added something at the end and before I ran the card I said, you sure you got it all right? she said yes so I swiped my card. Then she says I owe her $2. Because she did not add something on to the order that I had added. Even though she said she did. Then she would not let me swipe my card to pay for it because there's a $5 minimum on card purchases . I had no prob Paying the $2, but she just took my item and said that I couldn't have it. Crazy. The customer service is awful.
It's not some place that I would choose to shop in on a daily basis I walked in I walked out
The lady that works in this store is rude and I am not sure if she is the owner or not but this is unacceptable. I walked into the store today and I overheard a older lady asking a question about a specific hair product to the lady working behind the counter either the owner or employee and she was met with such disrespect I was shocked. The customer communicated to the employee behind the counter that she didn’t have to be rude when she was asking a question about one of the products. Within minutes of hearing this I walked out the store and told the customer the customer service was to poor for me to purchase anything out of the store. Within minutes of me leaving the store without buying anything the customer that was disrespected left as well and did not buy anything. Respect and customer service is not overrated and this is sad given the prime location near Ft. Jackson you would think the owner or the employee which was a short older woman would know how to act and treat her customers so much for southern hospitality. I will only spend my money where I am respected.
I was charged twice and then the cashier tried to act like I didn't know what I was talking about. I called my bank immediately and verified that i was indeed charged twice. The other lady then came from behind the counter and stood over me and started speaking in another language. I took my purchase and my bank told me to dispute the charge and let them handle it. I will never step foot in that store again. They are rude and disrespectful even when they are clearly wrong.
If I could leave no stars I would. I literally am disgusted with the customer service. After picking out the lash glue and beads I came in there to get I went to go check out. I asked the cashier about military discount. And I was told I’m not in the military and when asked why am I not in the military he told me I’m just a family member or dependent. And in reality I’m in the Nation Guard
Two staff there was very rude, and unhelpful. Don't offer any refunds even with receipt and brand new. I spent abt $50 with them wanted 2 return 2 packs would be $15. Wrong hair and needed gas $. Came back in an hr, was rude, uncompassionate, and refused to refund to my card. Selection not that great either. Save your time & $ don't shop here!
This location has a somewhat limited supply of hair (crotchet), and pricey too. Great supply of wigs and several headband wigs.

J D's Fashions Info


Service options
  • In-store shopping
  • Wheelchair accessible entrance
  • Wheelchair accessible parking lot
  • Quick visit


Opening Hours

Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

How to go there
