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Pueblo Gas, Inc.

+1 866-373-9275
Interstate 25 Exit 259 State, Route 22, Kewa Pueblo, NM 87052 United States of America
Open Today: -

Quick Facts About Pueblo Gas, Inc.

Pueblo Gas, Inc. has several strengths and weaknesses based on the comments provided.
Strengths: 1. Friendly and helpful employees: Multiple comments mention the employees at Pueblo Gas, Inc. as being super friendly and welcoming. This can significantly enhance the customer experience and create a positive impression of the place. 2. Clean restrooms: Several comments highlight the cleanliness and availability of restrooms at Pueblo Gas, Inc. Clean and well-maintained restrooms are important for customer satisfaction, and this can set Pueblo Gas, Inc. apart from other gas stations in the area. 3. Low gas prices: The commenters mention that Pueblo Gas, Inc. offers cheap gas. This is a significant strength as it attracts customers who are looking for affordable fuel options. 4. Pet-friendly facilities: Pueblo Gas, Inc. provides a small penned area for pets to stretch their legs and attend to nature's call. This can be a huge advantage for customers traveling with pets, as it shows that the gas station cares for their needs and provides convenience.
Weaknesses: 1. Deceptive highway signage: One comment criticizes the highway signage of Pueblo Gas, Inc., particularly regarding the "clean restrooms" advertised. The comment implies that the signage may be misleading and that the actual restroom facilities do not match the advertised cleanliness. This can create a negative impression of the gas station and potentially lead to disappointment for customers. 2. Lack of available restrooms: Another commenter mentions that the smaller of the two gas station buildings at Pueblo Gas, Inc. does not have restrooms available. This can be a significant weakness as restrooms are an essential facility for customers, and the absence of restrooms may lead to inconvenience and dissatisfaction. 3. High prices on store items: One comment points out that the store items at Pueblo Gas, Inc. can be expensive. This can deter customers from purchasing items from the gas station's store, especially if they believe they can find similar items at more affordable prices elsewhere. 4. Limited cafe hours: While the small cafe at Pueblo Gas, Inc. is mentioned as having good food with reasonable prices, one comment specifies that it is only open from 8am to 5pm. This limited timeframe may not accommodate customers who arrive or leave outside of these hours, potentially resulting in missed sales opportunities.
In conclusion, Pueblo Gas, Inc. has strengths such as friendly employees, clean restrooms, low gas prices, and pet-friendly facilities. However, they also have weaknesses such as deceptive highway signage, lack of available restrooms in one building, high prices on store items, and limited cafe hours. By addressing these weaknesses and leveraging their strengths, Pueblo Gas, Inc. can further improve the customer experience and attract more customers.

Best TL Reviews

We drove from Madrid to get gas and snacks. Great drive. The employees were super friendly and helpful. Snack attack great selection . Thank you for taking EBT.
Gas is very cheap. But there are large signs on the interstate advertising "clean restrooms" at the 66 station on this exit. most stations don't put that in such large print (which kind of implies this is a problem in the area, but you can really count on us not to have that particular problem). There are actually two 66 stations here right next to each other, which I presume were once separate brands now consolidated. The smaller and easiest to enter had no restrooms available, as announced by clear signs on the building. There are port-a-potties on the edge of the lot close to the road, which were, well, relatively clean for port-a-potties, which is to say, not very. Maybe the "clean restrooms" sign only refers to the second one. But this was not clear, and my review is based on the highly deceptive highway signage. Clean up your act, people, and clean up your restrooms.
Had good sausage sandwich ???? not bad .
Friendly, good food
,great prices on ⛽️, clean
Stre was closed but was able to pump fuel
Good gas prices, well lit lot, and even a small penned area to let your pet out to stretch their legs and heed nature's call. During the day there are usually vendors in the lot selling bread or jewellery. Not as crazy insane busy as the one up the road next to the casino. Nice selection off snacks inside and also a small cafe. Well worth the stop.
Been stopping at this gas station for the past 9 years and still shopping there. They have a huge selection of items; gas prices are low but store items can be high price. Restrooms are always clean, the staff are so welcoming, they have a "dog rest area" which makes it alot better when you're traveling with pets.
The people that work there are very friendly and helpful. The small cafe is open from 8am to 5pm and has good food with reasonable prices. The gas is some of the least expensive we saw in the area and the bathrooms are always clean and well stocked. If we end up back in the area we will definitely be back.

Place Pictures

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Pueblo Gas, Inc. Info


  • Wheelchair accessible entrance
  • Wheelchair accessible restroom
  • Public restroom
  • Restroom


Opening Hours

Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

How to go there
