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Roberts Lake

Roberts Lake Park, 101 Golf Course Dr, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 United States of America
Open Today: 06:30 AM - 09:00 PM

Quick Facts About Roberts Lake

Roberts Lake is a popular destination for dog owners and families looking to spend some quality time in nature. However, there are several strengths and weaknesses that should be considered before visiting the park.
One of the strengths of Roberts Lake is its pet-friendly atmosphere. The "Rhonert Bark" dog park provides a fenced area where dogs can roam freely and socialize with other dogs. There are also picnic tables for people to relax and enjoy their time at the park. Additionally, visitors appreciate the presence of geese, ducks, and peaceful water, which creates a serene environment despite the proximity to the freeway. The road next to the park is not heavily trafficked, adding to its peaceful ambiance.
Another strength of Roberts Lake is the close proximity to Bear Republic, a nearby restaurant and brewery. This provides visitors with the opportunity to grab a bite to eat and a refreshing drink after spending time at the park. The restaurant also features a nice patio, which could be an enjoyable spot to relax and take in the views of the lake.
However, there are some weaknesses that must be considered. One concern raised by a visitor is the presence of aggressive dogs and owners who fail to control their pets. This can create an unsafe environment for both dogs and their owners. Additionally, the commenter mentions the presence of homeless individuals in the area. This raises concerns about safety and cleanliness, as the homeless occupy the whole parking lot and create a sense of discomfort for some visitors. The commenter mentions that the area across the street from the park has become a homeless encampment, although the park itself is not affected due to city ordinances prohibiting overnight stays in parks.
Another weakness mentioned by a visitor is the lack of enforcement regarding intact dogs. Despite a sign indicating that intact dogs are not allowed in the park, the commenter observed at least two intact dogs during their visit. This lack of enforcement may discourage some dog owners from visiting the park, as it creates an inconsistent and potentially unsafe environment.
Some visitors also raise concerns about the size of the dog park. While there are benches and logs available for seating, the small dog side is significantly smaller than the regular side. This could be a disadvantage for those with smaller dogs, as they may feel limited in their ability to let their pets roam and play freely.
Lastly, several comments mention concerns about the safety and cleanliness of the surrounding area. One visitor mentions that the area feels unsafe to walk and spend time at the lake due to its dirty appearance caused by goose poop. These concerns may deter some visitors from fully enjoying their experience at Roberts Lake.
In conclusion, Roberts Lake offers a pet-friendly environment with amenities such as a dog park and picnic tables for people. However, there are several weaknesses to consider, including the presence of aggressive dogs, homeless individuals, and concerns about cleanliness and safety. While the lake itself may provide a peaceful environment, these factors should be taken into account before deciding to visit Roberts Lake.

Best TL Reviews

"Rhonert Bark" just for dogs and picnic tables for people
Nice place. Geese, ducks, water, peaceful, even considering how close it is to the freeway. The road next to it isn't too busy either. Nice that Bear Republic is next door for a bite and drink (I haven't been there but it looks nice, nice patio). Seems like a nice lake to spend some family time.
I have been there several times and started to go several more…the times we actually went in were great . Friendly dog owners no aggressive dogs. Those were six months ago.The other times I left quickly or didn’t go in was because of the owners not controlling aggressive dogs or the area seemed to be occupied by many homeless people which did not look like anywhere I wanted to take my dogs. Most of theirs were rather large dogs and breeds I have had the worst experiences with like german Shepards.. I need to add I have non aggressive breed of doodle that have been attacked randomly. I do not recommend this dog park any more thanks to homeless park across street. Too bad…since Rohnert Park seems to be lacking off leash areas for dogs.
Nice lille park with fences for dogs. Also a large open space with water and many geese!
Was a wonderful place to park,& enjoy the birds" peaceful water.Hiwever, the last two years, the homeless have taken over the whole parking lot.I don't feel safe there, as much as I use to.
It used to be really nice. The city stick-in-the-muds do not want people feeding the ducks and geese but that is pretty much ignored. In the past months a homeless encampment sprung up across the street but not in the park itself since city ordinance prohibits being in parks overnight. The homeless mostly keep to themselves though as in any "neighborhood," disputes do occur among them which result in police presence.
The ducks and geese are pleasant and friendly!
The dog park is okay, better ones definitely exist. There's a few nice benches and logs to sit on in the shade if it's too hot and sunny. The small dog side is too small - didn't even take my dog on that side because it was like 1/10th the size of the regular side (even then the whole dog park area is pretty small.
There's a big sign that says intact dogs not allowed but saw at least two dogs that were definitely intact. Oh well, didn't feel like starting anything.
Surrounding feels not safe to walk and spend some time at lake. Seems little dirty coz of Goose poop.

Place Pictures

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Roberts Lake Info


  • Wheelchair accessible entrance
  • Wheelchair accessible parking lot
  • Good for kids


Opening Hours

Monday 06:30 AM - 09:00 PM
Tuesday 06:30 AM - 09:00 PM
Wednesday 06:30 AM - 09:00 PM
Thursday 06:30 AM - 09:00 PM
Friday 06:30 AM - 09:00 PM
Saturday 06:30 AM - 09:00 PM
Sunday 06:30 AM - 09:00 PM

How to go there
