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Nibroc Park

108 S Main St, Corbin, KY 40701 United States of America
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Quick Facts About Nibroc Park

in nature. The park is well-maintained and clean, providing a peaceful and quiet environment for visitors.
One of the strengths of Nibroc Park is its central location in downtown Corbin. Being situated on First and Main Streets makes it easily accessible for residents and visitors alike. Its proximity to other attractions such as the local ice cream shop and the statue of Harland Sanders adds to the overall appeal of the park. Additionally, the park serves as a venue for various events throughout the year, including the local farmers market, festivals, and fairs. This not only benefits the community by bringing people together but also supports local businesses and vendors.
The park's dedication to honoring American soldiers who lost their lives in combat is another notable strength. Having an American flag flying and a plaque dedicated to fallen soldiers adds a sense of patriotism and respect to the park. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who served their country.
The comments also mention the entertainment at Nibroc Park. This indicates that the park hosts performances and live bands during events such as fairs and festivals. This is a strength as it provides additional entertainment options for visitors and helps create a vibrant and lively atmosphere. The positive feedback regarding the entertainment suggests that the park succeeds in attracting quality acts and shows.
However, there are also some weaknesses mentioned in the comments that need to be addressed. One recurrent concern revolves around the food vendors and food court. Several comments complain about the long waiting times and limited options. This is problematic, as it negatively affects visitors' experiences and may deter them from attending future events. To address this weakness, the park management should consider increasing the number of food trucks or vendors to provide a wider range of food options and reduce waiting times.
Another weakness voiced in the comments is the lack of shade in the park. One comment suggests that adding sun shades would be beneficial, providing relief from the sun on hot days. This is an important consideration as it can impact visitors' comfort and enjoyment of the park. Installing shade structures or planting more trees could be a potential solution to address this weakness.
Additionally, one comment mentions that the park is more like a collection of benches with masonry decorations and paintings. This suggests a lack of greenery and open space, which could limit the recreational activities that visitors can engage in. Increasing the park's green spaces by adding more grass or flowerbeds could help create a more inviting and aesthetically pleasing environment.
Furthermore, the cost of rides at Nibroc Park is mentioned as being more expensive. This may limit the accessibility of the rides to some families, potentially excluding those with lower incomes. The park management should consider balancing the costs to ensure that families of all socioeconomic backgrounds can afford to enjoy the rides.
In conclusion, Nibroc Park in downtown Corbin has several strengths, including its central location, the dedication to honoring fallen soldiers, and the hosting of events and performances. However, there are also weaknesses that need to be addressed, such as the limited food options and long wait times, the lack of shade, the park's limited green spaces, and the potentially high costs of rides. By addressing these weaknesses, Nibroc Park has the potential to become an even more popular and enjoyable destination for residents and visitors alike.

Best TL Reviews

Nice little park in downtown Corbin on first and main with benches to sit. The park is often used for games and such when there’s a fair or event in town.
The park has an American flag flying and a couple plaques including one dedicated to American soldiers who’ve lost their life in combat.
Nibroc was pretty go this year I must say. The Entertainment was really good this year and they had good bands every night. It surprised me because they usually do ones that has preformed before but they had new ones this time! They had things more organized & easier to find what you was looking for. The Vendors and Food court/trucks not so much! They have cut them back so much that you standing in line at least 30 minutes. I stood for almost an hour to get ONE funnel cake..that was it. It was ridiculous!!! They need to bring more food trucks or whatever so people has more options and possibly shorter wait time! Who wants to go to fair and stand in a line when they could be enjoying time with their family ???? I know some may say we'll you did...Yes, yes I did but I don't have any small kids and my gradbabies went with their parents. I hope to see big changes next year. Even if you have to start the food trucks at City Hall and line up to Whittaker Bank. Wouldn't be so crowded and maybe more food options
Small, peaceful park in the middle of downtown Corbin. Location for many events like the local farmers market, festivals and fairs.
Neat little park if you are traveling through this area of Kentucky. Statue of Harland Sanders and plaques telling his story. Nice train and mural. Awesome ice cream shop just up the street.
It's ok. Not really a park as much as benches in the sun with some masonry decorations and paintings done here and there. There is a bronze(?) Statue of the man himself Harland Sanders but I feel he would be let down. Sun shade of some sort would suffice.
Nibroc Park is a dog park unless downtown events are scheduled. Nibroc, KFC Events, Classic Car Shows, and many other events.They also decorate for holidays as my photo attached shows Santa's workshop.
Rides are more expensive this year but the kids had a lot of fun!!
Nibroc Park is where u can walk your dog every Tuesday from 5-8 you can enjoy the farmers market lots of venders, farm vegatbels and it's family friendly and enjoy little time

Place Pictures

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Nibroc Park Info


  • Wheelchair accessible entrance
  • Wheelchair accessible parking lot
  • Good for kids


Opening Hours

Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

How to go there
